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2024 Monthly Prayer Meetings Archived

2024年4月19日 Zhou, Zhixuan 0

Prayer Meeting on May 24, 2024By Victor Quon Members present:  Brent, Himsy, Kerry, Steve, John, Jonathan, Melanie, Victor Meeting began with Bless The Lord, O My SoulVictor opened meeting in prayer. Movement in the past month; LACAC where Victor speaks, introduced the God Pods tothem.  Two sessions as he is speaking there once a month, and now will do their owngroup but Victor will visit. Mountain View church will host a training session, doing bothin Mandarin and English.  Parallell sessions happening.  At the end of August, possibly. On the last Saturday of August, Steve can be there 2 assist.  The LACAC possiblymoving along. Potentially 3 sites to hosting the training in August.Slide for the online session sent by Victor.  June 3, […]

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