2024 Monthly Prayer Meetings Archived

Prayer Meeting on May 24, 2024
By Victor Quon
Members present:  Brent, Himsy, Kerry, Steve, John, Jonathan, Melanie, Victor
Meeting began with Bless The Lord, O My Soul
Victor opened meeting in prayer.
Movement in the past month; LACAC where Victor speaks, introduced the God Pods to
them.  Two sessions as he is speaking there once a month, and now will do their own
group but Victor will visit. Mountain View church will host a training session, doing both
in Mandarin and English.  Parallell sessions happening.  At the end of August, possibly. 
On the last Saturday of August, Steve can be there 2 assist.  The LACAC possibly
moving along.
Potentially 3 sites to hosting the training in August.
Slide for the online session sent by Victor.  June 3, 2024, introducing a God pod, and
leading through a mini-God pod. 
Use of the slide to join Monday, June 3.  Covers ground faster.
AACF – Do a training in August.  Semester schools will be in session. Four places.
John is hosting an event in Cupertino. 
Updates:  Dr. Ho returned and 3 rd  year, connecting and able to supplement with tele-
medicine.  10 people came to the Lord. With interpreter able to care for many people.
Good news about revival, despite the ability to see God at work.
Kerry was wondering if possible to provide a half sheet description of the June 3 event
to add and introduce a church network, and a little more description. Brent and using
China Source platform.  July 13 event, August event. Victor will also provide a brief
summary of what will happen on June 3 so that we can introduce others who have not
heard about the God Pods. 
Break out for groups to pray. Return and closed. Next meeting is June 28.

Summary of prayer meeting on 4/26/24
Encouragement building up
Steve Quen – says the challenge is people go into Bible Study mode
August – 2 churches who have understand and practice
SLO group – Victor tried and the students were hesitant to approach the God pod
His thought is that we start small two churches, Mtn View 
The members feel that it is okay to start small
AZ churches were hesitant because one offered that Hosea might encourage people to
have an ungodly marriage
JL – suggested that familiar passages might help and hearing from God to allow the
Holy Spirit to learn; Pr, John says that in teaching the prayer ministry is very tough
SQ is good with starting small but he had to leave @ 7:30 am, 
Victor feels badly that they might miss out – but shared from the Dallas Willard book but
wants people to start and enter into a conversation with God
Last piece, San Gabriel Valley church planter, discussion – 20 and people who have left
the church
Church planting focused, Christopher Spolar – he is mentored by Joel Silva.  
Can a God pod be done online? Kerry suggested online session to introduce the Gof
Victor suggested doing on a Monday evening – May 6?  Give one month preparation,
May 20 at 7:30 pm 
Set up for August. Prayers for the two churches, and something might be done in LA.  
Prayer time.  
Kenneth – pastor Paul Taylor – Peninsula Bible – Faith Work and Tech summit, pray for
the planning meeting April 29, mobilizing community.  
John Lai – Chinese Prayer conference, July 13, register – 200, 150 online, 50 in person
1000 online, 300 to join, in Cupertino.  Handbook is already ready.  People need to
respond. United prayer meeting in the Bay Area, the CEO of Prince of Peace is coming
young in his 30’s, sharing about the vision, career to be a witness, Matthew Chin is
Kenneth’s son with his wife. 
Melanie – safety and journey mercies for travel to be with AACF Davis people today for
the basketball tournament. 
Art – prayers for his ministry outreach to international students in a challenging season;
for his student of Hindu background who was baptized and family cut him off, Sam, for a
job soon
Victor – finalizing moving to get back to things he loves
Group stayed together to pray. Victor closed us in prayer. Guidance with spirit.

Summary of 3/22/24 prayer meeting

Hi Everyone!
Here are some of the highlights of our last prayer meeting.  Sorry for the delay.  We
have finally moved into our new home and its been consuming most of my waking

  1. highlighted opportunities that God is providing for moving forward with the God
    Pods.  This includes a training at the Los Angeles Chinese Alliance Church
    (3/24) and at the Chinese Evangelical Free Church of Los Angeles (4/28). 
    Victor has also been invited to speak for the AACF groups at Cal Poly SLO
    (4/12) and UC Irvine (5/23).
  2. AACF will be holding their Leadership Training Conference at Pepperdine
    University (6/17-21). God Pods will be the tool used for the morning prayer
  3. John shared his video to introduce the Chinese Prayer Conference scheduled for
    July 2024
    Our next gathering will be on April 26th, 7:00 AM.  See you then.

2/23 Prayer Meeting minutes
Hi Everyone!
For those of you who missed last Friday’s meeting, I took some time to discuss revival. I
sometimes fear that word because many times, we only think about the end result –
people flocking to churches, non-believers coming to know Christ in bunches and
culture being transformed. But what we fail to consider is how revival begins – with small
groups of people praying and asking for God to demonstrate his love and power. My
own denomination, the Christian and Missionary Alliance, had its beginnings with a
group of young college students praying for the nations. My current ministry, Asian
American Christian Fellowship started with a small group of students meeting for Bible
study at Cal State Los Angeles. And, certainly, Jesus’ ministry had its roots with twelve
disciples. So I invite us all to pray that the development of the God pods may have the
same type of impact. Small groups of people praying in their pods to hear God’s voice.

  1. the pastors group in Arizona has declined the invitation to start God pods. They
    had a concern with what might come out of people trying to hear God’s voice.
    While I believe that spiritual authority should remedy this fear, we will respect
    their decision to not participate. Perhaps further down the road
  2. I have had conversations with two churches here in the LA area about starting
    God pods. I met with folks at the Los Angeles Chinese Alliance Church
    yesterday. It was a very positive time and they might be able to work with other
    C&MA churches in the area when we get to August.  I will introduce the God
    pods to the Chinese Evangelical Free Church at the end of April. They have
    other area churches that they often partner with. So there is great potential
  3. Steve Quen reported about the third God pod held at his church earlier this
    month. He mentioned how people are becoming more aware of God’s voice
    and that there is a clear softening of hearts.
    Hope to see everyone for our next gathering on Friday, March 22nd.